A certificate of completion is a recognition by Loyola Marymount University that a student has satisfactorily demonstrated potential for professional achievement in a specialized field of study. Certificates are granted and presented at graduation events or mailed to students who have completed all course requirements, and who have no outstanding financial or other obligations to LMU. Please review the certificate of completion policy before submitting.
Application for Certificate of Completion
Name on Certificate. Please write your legal name, using upper and lower case characters, exactly as you wish it to appear on the printed certificate, including spaces, punctuation, diacritical marks, and suffix (Sr., Jr., religious order initials, etc.).
Nombres y apellidos en el certificado. Escriba su nombre legal, utilizando mayúsculas y minúsculas, exactamente como desea que aparezca en el certificado; incluya espacios, signos de puntuación, signos diacríticos (por ejemplo los acentos, la ñ y la ü) y sufijos (Sr., Jr., iniciales de órdenes religiosas, etc.).