Black Catholic Spirituality

Certificate in Contemporary Black Catholic Spirituality

This certificate program focuses on the concerns of Black Catholics and their unique history, traditions, and voice in the universal Church. The next course will start Tues., Feb. 25, 2025; Early Registration Discount available. Details on the courses leading to the certificate, in addition to a course on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Servant of God Thea Bowman are below under General Information.

To evangelize effectively and prophetically as members of the Catholic Church, we have to build on a deep sense of who we are and how Christ impacts each one of us personally. This program will examine the presence of Black Catholics in the Catholic Church, building leaders to assist in the life of their parishes.

Who Should Participate

This program is open to all, even as it focuses on the concerns of the Black Catholic community. This program is therefore also helpful to those who wish to become allies to assist the Black Catholic community as the community seeks to remain faithful to the Gospel of Christ and to remove the stain of racism in the Catholic Church.

Program Benefits

Upon completion, participants will be better equipped to evangelize disgruntled Black Catholics who attend church, those unchurched, or those with a broken relationship with God.

General Information

Course and program requirements, schedules and tuition are subject to change; and additional fees may be incurred for books and materials. Click here to review all policies prior to enrollment. For additional information, contact the Center at (310) 338-2799 or

Please note: because this is an online program, enrollment eligibility is dependent on place of residency. Please review these provisions in full before enrolling.

Certificate in Contemporary Black Catholic Spirituality

For the 2024-2025 academic year, LMU will again offer the two online courses that lead to the professional certificate in Contemporary Black Catholic Spirituality; an additional course focusing on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Sister Dr. Thea Bowman will also be offered.  Scroll down to Program Requirements for more information on earning the certificate.

Our Partner

To make this programming possible, the Center counts on the support of the African American Catholic Center for Evangelization (AACCFE) of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.  The AACCFE supports the continuing education courses of The Presence of Black Catholics in the Church Today and Tomorrow in the following ways:  active promotion of the courses, offering financial support to AACCFE affiliated students who take the courses, and the AACCFE Director serves on the advisory committee for this program.

  • Living the Gospels with Rev. Dr. King and Sr. Dr. Thea - AAMX 922.01
    Jan. 27 - March 3, 2025
    $387.50 - register by Jan. 17, 2025 and receive a $40 discount

    Black Catholics' Spiritual Call: Using Theological Reflections - AAMX 921.01
    Feb. 25 - April 8, 2025
    $387.50 - register by February 17, 2025 and receive a $40 discount

    $40 Early Registration Discount available (PLEASE NOTE:  this discount cannot be applied to the minimum payment of $125).

    Financial Aid - LMU Match
    Students affiliated with the African American Catholic Center for Evangelization (AACCFE) of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles may be eligible for up to $260 in financial aid per course.

    All others should inquire about the 2024-2025 Black Catholic Spirituality LMU Match - LMU will match the support of a parish, institution, diocese or archdiocese, or church group up to $130 per student.

    Financial Aid - Tuition Assistance

    Tuition Assistance is a need-based scholarship, and it can cover up to 50% of the cost of a course.  Request an application

    Forms of financial aid can be combined.

  • Courses meet live via videoconference.

    • All course sessions are 5:00 - 6:00 PM Pacific time

    Courses for spring 2025

    AAMX 922.01 - Living the Gospels with Rev. Dr. King and Dr. Sr. Thea
    Mondays:  Jan. 27, 2025 to March 3, 2025
    Guest speakers:

    • Fr. Manuel Williams, Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
    • Ms. ValLimar Jansen, Friday, Feb. 28, 2025

    Online access to course materials concludes on Sat., March 8, 2025.

    AAMX921.01 - Black Catholics' Spiritual Call: Using Theological Reflections
    Tuesdays:  Feb. 25, 2025 - April 8, 2025 [EXCEPTION:  class will not meet on March 4, and instead will meet on March 6]
    Guest speakers:

    • Fr. Pat Smith, Saturday, March 15, 2025
    • Sister Cora Marie Billings, RSM, Saturday, March 29, 2025

    Online access to course materials concludes on Sat., April 12, 2025.

    Registration is open - click on the Registration tab above


  • Required courses for the certificate in Contemporary Black Catholic Spirituality:

    AAMX 920 - Black Catholics Sharing their Distinct Gifts of Blackness in the Catholic Church

    AAMX 921 - Black Catholics' Spiritual Call: Using Theological Reflections

    To qualify for the certificate, students must have an average grade of C+ or better in the two courses.


    Additional course

    AAMX 922 - Living the Gospels with Dr. King and Dr. Sr. Thea



    Reading Materials

    For course AAMX 920, all students can download all reading materials and videos online. Dr. Ansel Augustine's book, Leveling the Praying Field - Can the Church we love, love us back?, will be available online through Loyola Marymount University's library.   

    For course AAMX 921, all students can download all reading materials and videos online. Students must purchase the textbook Black Saints on the Road to Sainthood. You can go to the Catholic Company web page to buy a copy for $9.95. 

  • As noted above, earning a grade of C+ or better in the first two courses listed here (AAMX 920 and 921) makes one eligible to receive the certificate in Contemporary Black Catholic Spirituality; AAMX 922 is an additional course that is open to all.

    AAMX 920
    Black Catholics Sharing their Distinctive Gift of Blackness in the Catholic Church
    2.5 Semester Hours

    To evangelize effectively and prophetically as members of the Catholic Church, we have to build on a deep sense of who we are and how Christ impacts each one of us personally.  This first course takes a deep look at our identity as Black Catholics.  This course will examine the presence of Black Catholics Today and Tomorrow in the Catholic Church, building leaders to assist in the life of their parishes. Provided in this course will be historical documents identifying the struggles of the past, along with materials that speak to the life of Black Catholics today, and guest speakers. Using the oral tradition through Zoom meetings, we will also engage discussion boards, videos, and personal journaling.  Participants will encounter a deep awareness of how their gift of Blackness makes the Catholic Church a universal beacon of light.

    AAMX 921
    Black Catholics' Spiritual Call: Using Theological Reflections
    2.5 Semester Hours

    The practice of Theological Reflection (TR) is foundational in every Christian’s life. TR is a spiritual movement summoning an individual or group to recognize God’s presence in all occurrences in life. Every day we must respond to God's prompting, similarly to the Psalmist's testimony: "Seven times a day I praise you because your judgments are righteous" (Ps. 119:164). Using TR, this course will examine practical ways that God continues to call Black Catholics to discipleship in the Catholic Church. Provided in this course will be a weekly chart to assist participants in recognizing their own call to ministry, along with that of Bishops, Priests, Nuns, the individuals on the road to Sainthood, guest speakers and other notable leaders in their community. Using the oral tradition through Zoom meetings, we will also engage discussion boards, videos, and personal journaling.  Participants will encounter a deep awareness of knowing the importance of their calling as Black Catholics.

    AAMX 922
    Living the Gospels with Rev. Dr. King and Sr. Dr. Thea
    2.5 Semester Hours

    This course will analyze several aspects of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s lived faith experience and speeches while simultaneously reflecting on the spirituality and unwavering faith of the Servant of God, Sr. Dr. Thea Bowman. Incorporating videos, reflection papers, Zoom meetings, journaling, discussion board, and the gospels, participants will explore how through the spirituals and storytelling, Dr. King and Sr. Dr. Thea were able to accompany, encourage, and actualize hope for liberation and social justice for the beloved community regardless of culture or faith tradition.  These individuals' wise sayings will enhance and inspire our evangelization efforts for today's Church.